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Bacteria Genus Listeria

Bacteria Genus Listeria


The Listeria genus is composed of a group of Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, motile, nonspore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria. These bacteria share common phenotypic and genomic characteristics and form a distinct group within the genus Listeria sensu strictu.


Listeria welshimeri

Listeria welshimeri is a species of bacteria found in soil and decaying vegetation. It has been linked to produce-associated foodborne illness.

Listeria seeligeri

Listeria seeligeri is another species of Listeria. It is commonly found in soil and decaying vegetation, and has recently gained attention because of its association with human infections.

Listeria monocytogenes

Listeria monocytogenes is a food safety concern that has been linked to produce-associated foodborne illnesses. It is primarily found in unpasteurized milk and dairy products, as well as deli meats and produce.
